Wednesday, February 4, 2009


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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The History

The futsal team was initialized somewhere in 2005, where several high school generations, whom share the same passion of playing football, entering the futsal competition held at the centre of Klang Valley. The earlier aim of the team is to seek an enjoyment and valued each other companion, and killing time with beneficial activities.
The power of the team is generated from a combination of different level of football experienced, but with inspiring individual achievements among its players. Preliminary, Hooligans utilized the volleyball-sized cement as their training ground for almost their teenage days. The eager, talents, and overwhelming spirit shown by the players has ‘overcome’ their boundless obsession, off from amateur and dullness level, by becoming a self-representatives in the worldwide-pride; within their self-created fairy tales. The youngsters, in earlier 20s, began developing a chemistry that needed to be bonded within one name, under one interest, and most important thing, something that will be proud of. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.” ADIDAS Friday Futsal. Marked the beginning of a dramatic series of Hooligans’ debut into commercial futsal. The team need a proper name of which, particularly describe the team as a total football freaks. The starting sevens represent themselves as “Hooligan”, the first name that ever crossed their mind. The name itself, gave a phenomenal impacts on these Klang Valley’s youngsters. Eventually, the ‘one second’ title was honored by the players, as a symbolic power and unity in performing football at the very sacred spirit. Motivated by their tremendous devotion to European football clubs, they’ve decided to distinguish their team; in one typical but versatile colour. The players adapted light-striking green fabrics, which currently have only 7 in possession, as their official tourneys outfit. Still, they have no idea of whatsoever, what green stands for. The fact, they only stood for themselves, for the proud of football, and for the proud of Malaysia.
The ambitious team, rather amazed by the credibility shown by the Malaysia’s prime minister, does not tolerate any unethical ‘monkey’ behavior among its players and supporters. Hooligans were extremely firm on punctuality, discipline, keeping promises, and patience especially on the pitch. They don’t believe in ‘all-star’ packages. To become huge is to attend to each tiny thing. But above all, they encouraged themselves to fully believe in what they do best. Despite the youthful rebellion that has became too overwhelming, they manage to isolate themselves off sex, drugs, and alcohol; progressively.
The blistering effort and excitement does not ever intend for fame and publicity. They stressed it all on; as recognition. Their paces were genuine.
The origin of the name is uncertain. One theory was, the word “Hooligan” derived from an Irish word, used to illustrate an outrage football enthusiasm. The “Hooligans” is often associated with massive chaos, and their tendency to create nuisance as a sign of their infinite support for their favourite teams. Unlike its wicked meaning however, Hooligans strive to commit a fairly strong sportsmanship, encourage its players to be discipline, and at the same time contributing sense of enormous supports toward the Malaysian football arena.
“There’s no such thing as single power domination in single huge constitution, its bullshit. Everybody, each one, captains the Hooligans” - Hooligans